About Me

Therapist in Boulder, Co

About Me

Therapy in Boulder, and

across Colorado.


I grew up in North Carolina in a non religious family.

Around the age of 17 I developed a deep interest in Buddhism. This led me to learn and practice meditation and eventually to study abroad in India and Nepal for a year and a half.

I earned a Masters in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies and have taught meditation and mindfulness in various contexts, including the college classroom and at both middle and high schools.

Later in life I returned to school to earn a Masters in Clinical Psychology,  in order to better serve and help people to live inspired, vibrant lives, and more aligned with their highest values. 

Why I became a therapist: 

child psychologist sacramento

Despite living in the wealthiest society in recorded history, many of us today are beset by anxiety, depression and lack of meaning and connection. 

I became a therapist to help people to heal and to rediscover their connection with the greater world and to live the lives they are meant to be living during our brief time on this planet. 

therapist in boulder
therapy for child

My approach to therapy:

Mindfulness is foundational to the work that I do. 

I offer a variety of approaches and tools to bring greater awareness and acceptance of what is. 

From this foundation, true change and growth is possible. 

Therapy is a very individualized process and does not look the same way for different people. 

therapy for child

Depending on what is needed, therapy can involve processing and healing past traumas that were overwhelming at the time.

It could look like support to stay in recovery from addiction 

It could look like learning new ways to communicate and deepen intimacy and connection. 

It could also look like receiving support to live a life of greater happiness, well being and inspiration. 

What I like to do for fun: 

I love to be outside with my dog Sailor Moon, roaming the trails and mountains around Boulder, Colorado.

I love to go skiing, the practice of dance (especially Ecstatic Dance), and I have had a consistent meditation practice for 22 years

I also play guitar DJ; and I play guitar as part of my ecstatic dance DJ sets. 

Quotes I find inspiring: 

“Every morning think as you wake up: I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.”

-The Dalai Lama

I would love to help you build a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment. Anxiety, depression, unhealthy relationships, loneliness; this doesn’t have to be your normal; you can make positive change.

Reach out to me today to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

I hope to hear from you.

About Me

We are a therapy practice offering therapy and counseling services in Boulder & online throughout Colorado.

Licensed Provider

Julian Royce MS, LPC.
#76277 Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapist in Boulder

Important Notices

Good Faith Estimate

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Based in Boulder, Colorado

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