Find Inner peace, and
build a life you love

Therapy in Boulder, and across Colorado.

Find Inner peace, and

build a life you love

Therapy in Boulder, and

across Colorado.

Why can’t I just be normal?

Traumas of the past can manifest in many different ways.

Maybe you feel overwhelmed, lost, like you have no control over yourself.

Your relationships are not where you want them to be; or maybe you struggle with loneliness. 

Sometimes you are overwhelmed by sadness; other times it is rage; and you are confused about why you feel this way.

child psychologist sacramento
child psychologist sacramento

You ask yourself:

“What is wrong with me?”

“Why can’t I just snap out of it?”

Maybe you find yourself constantly plagued with anxiety, and the feelings of fear, unease, and worry never seem to leave you. 

Or perhaps your days are clouded by a sense of hopelessness, without the motivation and energy to engage in life. 

therapy for child
therapy for child
You don’t have to live this way…

You can attain a sense of normalcy. You can cultivate healthy relationships and a fulfilling social life. 

Imagine feeling a sense of inner peace, free from fear, unease, and anxiety. 

You can gain a greater trust in yourself, in others, and in the world. 

And most importantly, you can build a life you love; one that you are excited about, with relationships that bring you true joy. 

You can find inner harmony

You can find inner harmony

You can build a life free from the traumas of the past; a life with fulfilling relationships, a calm mind, and true happiness. This is possible for you, and I would love to walk alongside as you make this a reality. 

Julian Royce


Despite living in the wealthiest society in recorded history, many of us today are beset by anxiety, depression and lack of meaning and connection. 

I became a therapist to help people to heal and to rediscover their connection with the greater world and to live the lives they are meant to be living during our brief time on this planet. 

Having seen the healing and transformative power of therapy, in helping people heal from trauma, build healthy relationships, ease anxiety, and build a life that brings them joy, I know that this is possible for you as well. 

Schedule a free consultation by clicking the button below, and we can see how I might be able to help. I hope I get the chance to meet you!

Julian Royce


Despite living in the wealthiest society in recorded history, many of us today are beset by anxiety, depression and lack of meaning and connection.

I became a therapist to help people to heal and to rediscover their connection with the greater world and to live the lives they are meant to be living during our brief time on this planet.

Having seen the healing and transformative power of therapy, in helping people heal from trauma, build healthy relationships, ease anxiety, and build a life that brings them joy, I know that this is possible for you as well.

Schedule a free consultation by clicking the button below, and we can see how I might be able to help. I hope I get the chance to meet you!


I would love to help you build a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment. Anxiety, depression, unhealthy relationships, loneliness; this doesn’t have to be your normal; you can make positive change.

Reach out to me today to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

I hope to hear from you.

About Me

We are a therapy practice offering therapy and counseling services in Boulder & online throughout Colorado.

Licensed Provider

Julian Royce MS, LPC.
#76277 Licensed Professional Counselor

Therapist in Boulder

Important Notices

Good Faith Estimate

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Based in Boulder, Colorado

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